Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year means New Goals

As I reflect upon 2013 I realize I did a lot. I quit my secure job to chase a dream and moved to the Los Angeles area. I got more involved with my sorority(chi omega) and fraternity(delta sigma pi). I went to movie premieres: Scary Movie 5, Star Trek, The Butler to name a few. I got to work on some great movies and music videos. I got a steady job at an animation company. And I decided to take control I my health. I started jogging more and joined local running clubs: Pasadena Pacers, Run with Us, A Runners Circle. And that led to me losing twenty pounds and participating in seven half marathons with a new PR of 2:39:49. I have made lots of new friends and reconnected with old.

So looking to 2014 I kept things simple. 
1) Be active for 30 mins a day: I'm trying to streak for 2014, meaning run at least a mile a day.
2) Get my half marathon time to under 2:15 by September
3) Be more social. I tend to stay in a lot and I want to change that. So I will host a wine night, go to dive bars, and try to go on at least five dates.
4) Let the little stuff go. I tend to have OCD living with others because I am particular about stuff. I want to be better at not being annoyed all the time.
5) Further my career. If I'm going to win an Oscar I need to step it up.

Join me on my journey and hopefully I have some fun stories to share! 


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