Monday, June 22, 2015

Giving this another go

Writing down my thoughts has never been my forte. I instead have inner monologues about my running and goals and everything in life. But I think I am ready to give this another shot. I have a goal, like many runners, to qualify for the Boston Marathon. In order to qualify, I need to maintain an 8:12 minute per mile pace for 26.2 miles. That is just about 3:35 for total time. This would just qualify me, I really need under a 3:30 to run Boston as entries are given out based on how much you are under the qualifying time. This is bringing me back to my swimming days where the faster you were the higher qualifying group you were in. I have an idea of when I want to qualify (in 2017) and now I am just formulating my plan to get me there. I am bringing you along for the ride and hope it will be an interesting one. I am also hoping that by writing it down, I become accountable and not just a dreamer. So, here I am toeing the start line and I am ready for the start gun to go off.