Sunday, October 6, 2013

So you had a bad day

That song was defiantly my theme yesterday. It was suppose to be a simple four miles at an 11:55 pace. Not to hard when my pace for the same distance was 11:40 on Wednesday. But that isn't what happened. 

As you can see my pace was way off. Now a number of factors could be the reason and I learned the valuable lesson of pre run fueling, hydration and mental readiness.

I didn't do any of it. The day before I binged snacked and drank lots of soda. Then for dinner I just had a small potato. I don't recommend using this as a pre race meal ever!

I figured I would still be ok, it was only four miles. So I set my alarm and headed to bed. When I woke up though I just wasn't excited to run. It isn't like I ever am, but weekends have proven to be the hardest for me to get motivated. So I put it off.

When I finally did run I let my mind get the best of me when I say my pace for mile one. I figured I could never get back on track so my mindset wasn't positive. This led me to not caring what my time was. By mile four I just gave up and walked. My body didn't want to do it and my head wasn't in it. I finished but believe me I won't be making these mistake again.

I need to accept that every run won't be my best but not to give up, don't forget to hydrate and eat better.

I skipped my run today due to hear but I will be back at it Tuesday and I am more than ready for it! 

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